Monday, December 2, 2013

A Blizzard of Winter Activities

I can't believe December is here already! You know what that means! Pull out the gloves, hats, scarves, and hot chocolate. Oh, and lots of fun winter speech activities. If you need some help with that, never fear! I am putting all my recent and past winter activities here in one place for your convenience. 


1. Complex Emotion Crackers: This activity will help your older students recognize more complex emotions. 

2. Healthy Voice Habits with Randy Reindeer (free): Help Randy Reindeer decide what's healthy and unhealthy for his voice. Best part? It's free.

3. Holiday Describing Fun (free): Your students will love describing objects in order to trim the tree and it's free!

4. Holly Jolly Language: This packet contains activities to work on plurals, pronouns, problem identification, categories, opposite concepts, and word finding. Plus, it's great for Christmas or Hanukkah!

5. Multisyllabic Reindeer (free): Target multisyllabic words with this cute reindeer freebie. Each card has the number of syllables shown with reindeer heads to give your kids a nice visual.

6. Polar Bear Pragmatics: This activity focuses on topic initiation, topic maintenance, appropriate responses, emotions, and tone of voice. The polar bears make it an engaging way to work on these skills.

7. Polar Bear Problem Solving: This activity focuses on problem identification, problem avoidance, and problem solving with those same adorable polar bears.

8. Prediction Presents: Students listen to clues to predict what's in each present. Categories include animals, school, sports, food, house, transportation, occupations, and clothing.

9. Stick It In A Hat Short Vowel Sort (free): work on sight words or help students who have difficult with short vowels or CVC words. 

10. Check It Twice: One of my newest products that targets inferences, reasoning skills, and ability to recall details. Your students have to help the elves figure out which gifts go to while child before they have to be delivered!

11. Snowman, Snowman, What Will You Wear? Mini book and speech/language activities: This is another of my newest products and I'm super excited about it. It includes a 12 page printable mini-book and a wealth of other activities, plus HW pages! 

There you have it! I'm sure I'll be making some more winter themed activities, but this should give you a great start when planning your activities! 

First one to comment with your email wins your choice of one of these products! 


  1. Thank you for putting together this list. It is so nice when someone does the work for you. Great stuff!

  2. These look wonderful for winter therapy activities!
