Sunday, November 2, 2014

Peek At My Week 11/2

Did you remember to set your clocks back an hour? I never like when it gets dark earlier - I'm not a night owl. But I'll take an extra hour a sleep!

We have parent conferences and workdays this week, so it's definitely not a typical week. It's also progress report time, but using my system from last year, I was able to complete all 50+ reports throughout the week. To save my sanity, my plans will be quick and easy this week! I have an observation scheduled for this week too, so I wanted to keep things simple. 

Autism: Spider craft - I think I saw this on Pinterest or somewhere, but I can remember where. I made one before I left school Friday as an example and then forgot to snap a picture. Basically I cut out circles for the bodies, and strips of black paper for the legs. The kids will glue 8 legs and draw eyes with a white crayon. I will be using The Sticky, Spider Webs book from No-Words. The spiders catch various items, so I will use it for vocabulary and WH questions. 

K-2: Spider craft here too. If the student is artic, we'll be finding and gluing pictures with our sounds on the legs. If the student is language, we'll also be using the spider book from No-Words. I made up a sheet of black and white pictures from the spider book and will have the kids glue these words on after we read the book (there are 11 pictures, we'll glue 8 of them). You can download a copy of the black and white pictures here:

3rd-5th: I also plan to use the spider book from No-Words for some of these students, but will be focusing on creating complex sentences. I'll also be using portions of my November Mystery for these kids. 

Happy November!

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