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This month, Jenna from Speech Room News, is featuring Behavior Management ideas. Fortunately, this year I haven't really had too many behavior issues. My school uses a clip chart system within each classroom. I don't have something separate, mainly because I'm not always doing therapy in the same location.
Here are some tips that I've found work well for my students:
1. Give clear expectations: I start each session explaining what we're going to do. I usually have some sort of craft and additional activities, depending on the group. I have found that if they know what to expect, it helps.
2. Pull out hands-on materials: I do have several kids with attention issues. This is when I pull out methods like coins or other hands on items that the kids can earn. Lately, they like just being given the "magic wand" and picking up a magnetic chip for each answer - the little things, right? It helps improve their focus and lessens the amount of time I spend redirecting.
3. Follow through: If you tell a student that you're going to speak to his/her teacher about behavior, DON'T FORGET TO DO IT. Otherwise, they'll soon learn that you won't follow through! I'm lucky to have great working relationships with the teachers in my building, so we are all on the same page when it comes to that.
Those are my tips! Don't forget to check out the other ideas!