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Friday, November 22, 2013

Peek At My Week 11/22

We are quickly approaching Thanksgiving break! 
This week, the theme centered around turkeys! 

For my younger kiddos, I used the turkey from The Speech Bubble's cute turkey craft (found here). We read this cute book from Expressly Speaking called My Hungry Turkey (found here). I decided to use the turkey's stomach as sort of an Old Lady activity. As we read through the book, I had the kids draw in what the turkey ate. Then we retold the story - they especially loved the last part and yelled "Yuck!" quite loudly. Please excuse my very poor drawings, I never claimed to be someone who could draw! If the kids were working on articulation, we wrote words with their sound on the feathers. 

I also used Super Power Speech's Thanksgiving Mad Libs (found here) with my older kids. It was good to get their creative juices flowing with parts of speech. Before we even did the activity, we brainstormed lists of nouns, verbs, and adjectives. They got a kick out of the funny stories at the end of the session! 

My 2nd graders are working on non-fiction in their classrooms, so I thought it was a perfect opportunity to read about the first Thanksgiving, so I used this article from ReadWorks. We worked on comprehension questions and summarizing. 

I had my first of two observations this week. It was a little nerve-wracking, but it went well! Have turkeys invaded your speech room yet?!

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