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Sunday, November 18, 2012

"His" and "Her" Fun!

It's been a busy Sunday here at Teach Speech 365. I have ONE MORE thing to share with everyone! Many of my kiddos are working on possessive pronouns, specifically "his" and "her." Interestingly enough, if they are boys, everything is usually "his" and if they are girls, everything is usually "hers." This is rather difficult concept to teach without lots of visuals. Working in the private setting now, I have several younger kiddos who need the visual of a boy or girl in order to grasp this concept. 

Soooo...I give you: Possessive Pronoun Sort!!! 

I included a boy to help kids visualize "his" and a girl to help visualize "her." I have plastic pillowcase bags (the plastic pouches that pillowcases or curtains come in) hanging on my wall. I can tape these visuals to the outside of the bags and the kids can just drop each card in the pocket.

If you would like this now, visit my TpT store here! Win a copy below: 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great activity! Welcome to the blogging world!

  2. Great activity! Welcome to blogging! I will definately share your giveaway on my FB page...but since I came so late the to table here...not sure anyone will get it in time! :( sorry about that! Hey maybe I'll actually win! hahaha!

  3. Super! This is definitely a skill some of our students struggle with!

  4. Hi! Great activity! I don't blog, but I am enjoying following SLPs who do, it's nice to share ideas!

  5. This looks great! Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. Great activity. I am always looking for something to address pronouns.

  7. Thanks for all the freebies. Great choice of artic targets! The pronoun sort is of great use for my students!

  8. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Hi! The activity looks great. It's awesome that you included pictures to help give kiddos that visual.

  10. Hi! The activity looks great. I think it's awesome that you used pictures to help give kids that visual.

  11. This is a tough concept. What great pictures!

  12. I have so many students struggling with this right now!

  13. This would be perfect for my handful of kiddos working on this concept!

  14. Excited about the blog! I am a new SLP and love any material I can find.

  15. I love all these great activities!
